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dimanche 17 août 2014


This impressive-looking Roman Catholic church sits overlooking the Bay of Algiers, where it is perched atop a cliff some 125 metres / 410 feet above the sea below. Built in the 19th century, its French architect employed much the same techniques and designs being used at that time in his home country. Most tourists visit Notre Dame d'Afrique during their stay in Algiers. A daily mass in French is also offered, although many visitors simply come here to marvel at the glorious architecture and views.
Open hours: daily


olie coastal town located 68 kilometers west of Algiers, Tipaza houses the remains of an ancient Roman city. Founded by the Phoenicians, it passed to the Romans in the second century AD, and is expanding westward at the expense of an ancient Punic necropolis before being destroyed in the year 430 by the Vandals led by Gaiseric .
Tipaza is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982 The first excavations were conducted in 1895 site.

Located on the coast at the foot of Mount Chenoua at the end of the hills of the Sahel, Tipaza has the charm that gives the proximity of the mountains and the sea. Thus, one can visit the Roman ruins in a beautiful setting 


Address: Djanet, Algeria, DZ, North Africa
On the edge of the Sahara Desert can be found an impressive collection of prehistoric cave paintings, within the mountain range named the Tassili n'Ajjer (Plateau of the Rivers). More than 15,000 examples of artwork form a unique perspective on the people who once used to inhabit the Djanet region of Algeria. The area surrounding the rock art also has plenty of interesting geological features, including rock pillars that look like a 'forest of trees'.
Open hours: daily

samedi 16 août 2014


Tazmalt is a small town in the province of Bejaia, 80 kilometers southwest of the city of Bejaia in the region of Kabylia.

The population of the city is estimated at Tazmalt 30,000 (2008 census) inhabitants, it is the 5th largest city (by population) of Kabylia.

Despite the advantageous geographical position Tazmalt (city of the province of Bejaia nearest Algiers), the industry is very underdeveloped. Agriculture plays a very important part of the economy Tazmalt based mainly on olive growing. According to statistics the olive oil Tazmalt is reputed to be the best of Algeria. Besides, the word means Tazmalt Kabyle olives to large fruits.

Many people from the region Tazmalt unaware of an archaeological site not far from their doors around Tazmalt. If you wonder about Thavlast he will reply that this is the name of the farm belonging to the family Hamimi Arezki.

This name is derived from the Roman "Tablastensis" which means "barracks." The French archaeologist Jean Pierre Laporte sees it differently. Note that the latter worked for the National Archeology Agency in Tizi Ouzou from 1969 to 1971 continues, however, and this for about thirty years, studying the region (province of Tizi Ouzou Valley Soummam, and the plain of Hamza).

According to this archaeologist, Thavlast is not the location of Roman barracks but a small Berber-Roman city, which according to him is more interesting. In writing that he sent the young farmer Hamimi Moncef, who has put his farm activities on the net, he will say "all vestiges that you can find and put as much as possible be protected from particularly interesting because the site has never been studied by archaeologists to my knowledge. Myself, I don 'have spent two or three hours in 1971.

Too short a time also to find anything. "Note that Jean Pierre Laporte also worked on antique candle Saldae. He has published several articles including one on Aqueduct Toudja in the wilaya of Bejaia. According to some references, Thavlast are Roman ruins on a nearby hill farm near Battle of two sources. They are located on the left bank of the Oued Sahel in front of the old Bordj of Tazmalt.

One of the two sources door "Ksar el Thala" (Fountain of the Palace). A citizen will talk about the existence of stones bearing scriptures of signs, small tiles and other pottery discovered during the digging of a well, there is some of that time, but have since disappeared.

Tavlast is a virgin archaeological site. To our authorities to launch an appeal to our archaeologists and other anthropologists to come exhume the past of a region.


City within the country, Akbou is centrally located 200 km east of Algiers and 70 km from the port of Bejaia which it depends, crossing today by the National Highway No. 26 in full repair, the Akbou building dates back to March 1883.

Previously, the area was occupied in ancient times by the Romans with the presence of a Roman mausoleum located in the middle of the valley Summam.

Akbou is located in the upper part of the valley on the eastern flank Summam Djurdjuran. It is bounded on the north by Ouzellaguen, on the east by the River Summam, which separates it from the town of Amalou, south-east by the river Sahel, locally called "assif Abbas", which separates it from the town of Ait R'Zine south by the municipality of Tazmalt, on the west by the municipality of Ighram and northwest by the city of Chellata.

Akbou is located at an average altitude of 280 m, the city covers an area of ​​52.18 square kilometers, including two distinct areas: the urban area and the periphery with the plain Azaghar and villages and Lazib? Colonel Amir (ex.Riquet).

The city of Akbou playing in the region economically important because of the importance of its industrial base. The area attracts a lot of investment and large state like Alcovel, Mac and Soum Sonaric companies.

There are two major markets. The first is a wholesale market for fruits and vegetables ranked third nationally. The second is a market for vehicles and has an average of 5,000 vehicles every Friday.

Akbou also benefits from the High Dam Tichy Haf located not far from the city. Three other large tanks are designed to meet the needs of the population, industry and agriculture.

With a city budget of nearly 700 million dinars, Akbou is a wealthy city that is growing rapidly.


Khenchela est une ville située dans les Aurès, dans l'est algérien, à une altitude moyenne de 1120 mètres. La population de la ville est estimée à environ 110 000 habitants (2008). La ville est le chef-lieu de la wilaya de Khenchela.
La ville pris le nom de Khenchela après l'arrivée de l'Islam, ce nom provient du nom de la fille de la reine Dihya, Kahina. Khen signifie colombe ou oiseau, Chela signifie la paix.
En 1850 après de violents combats, la ville tombe aux mains de l'armée française.
Le Centre Universitaire de Khenchela
Le Centre Universitaire de Khenchela
41% de la population active travaillent dans l'agriculture, 38% dans les services, 11% dans les travaux de bâtiment et 10% dans l'industrie.
Le climat de la ville de Khenchela est très rude en hiver avec des températures glaciales. Le climat en été est plus modéré avec des températures chaudes mais acceptable.
A quelques kilomètres de la ville se trouve le Hammam Essalihine (Aqua Flavianae en romain) qui est un ancien bain thermal romain datant de plus de 2000 ans, le bain est toujours en activité et dispose de 40 cabines pour bain thermal, de 5 piscines d'eau chaude et accueil chaque année 700 000 visiteurs.
La température des eaux du bain avoisine les 70°C, sa composition chimique lui confère des propriétés thérapeutiques indiquées pour les maladies dermatologiques, respiratoires et rhumatismales. Le bain est situé au beau milieu d'une région montagneuse et forestière donnant un charme particulier au site.


Mostaganem is a port city on the Mediterranean Sea in north-western Algeria, 365km from the capital, Algiers. The city is the capital of the province of the same name. At the last census in 2008 the city of Mostaganem accounted for 145,696 inhabitants.

The city was founded in the 11th century AD but the city has origins going back to Punic and Roman times. Mostaganem was occupied first by the Phoenicians, who gave his name Murustaga then the Romans who gave it the name Cartenna.

In 1511 the Spaniards imposed a treaty of capitulation to the city of Mostaganem. The population began a cry for help to the Ottoman Empire, which sent Admiral Barbarossa conquered the city in 1516 Mostaganem Devena a den of Corsair and was under the influence of the Ottoman Empire until the invasion French 1833.