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samedi 16 août 2014


the "African Granada" 

Tlemcen epitomizes the Mediterranean. This Moorish town art mixes Berber cultures, Arabic, Andalusian, Spanish, Turkish, French, Christian, Muslim, Jewish ...
Dubbed the "Pearl of North Africa" or "African Grenade" for its resemblance and its historical links with the ancient capital of Andalusia, this mecca Algerian tourism is only a few hundred yards from the Moroccan border where it facing the city of Oujda.
The city has been declared by the 49 member states of the Organization Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Oiesc) "Capital of Islamic Culture 2011". It has as such for several months of the restoration of its historic monuments including the old medina. New museums and Andalusian study centers were opened.
The first day will be a walk in the city. To begin with of course the Grand Mosque built in 1136 His youngest, Mosque of Sidi Bellah (1296) also houses the town museum. Finally, to conclude with the discovery of religious heritage, the mosque Sidi Boumediene (1347) takes you to the heart of the Medina. Built in the fourteenth century by the black sultan, its minaret is decorated with brick and polychrome ceramics.
Thirty historic gates of the medina, there remain only three: those of Bab El Hdid (Iron Gate), Bab El Khemis (Gate of the army) and Bab El Qarmadine (Porte tile makers). Step through the turn before going to immerse yourself in Arab culture Sabaghin El Hammam (Hammam dyers).
Spend a little of your time strolling the old stones in Mansura to admire the pink walls and minaret that stands in the middle of an olive grove campaign. The evening will be dedicated to enjoy the Lahrira (soup spice ras el hanout, saffron ...), a sweet tadjin with prunes and almonds, unless you prefer a chorbat el mkatfa a tlitli or Griwech honey .. .
To recover from the excesses of the night before, the leadership campaign in the morning. Located 800 m above sea level, the city has a cable car that provides access to the Plateau Lalla Seti (1000 m) from where you can admire the city and throughout the region. Close by, the undergrowth of the forest of Small Perderau will protect you from the sun. Then a taxi can take you to the waterfalls of El Ourit located just a few kilometers from the town, on the road to Sidi Bel Abbes. A steel bridge built in the nineteenth century by Gustave Eiffel spans the canyon down which a torrent bouncing cascading waterfall.
A little further, about twenty kilometers from Tlemcen, the caves of Beni-Add situated in Ain Fezza await you at over 1,100 m altitude. After three underground rooms, these caves extend galleries ending beyond the Moroccan border

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